
立場新聞 2021/01/29 21:28

據傳媒近日報道,香港電台管理層以第二度調查未終結為由,要求助理節目主任利君雅接受一份為期 120 日的新合約,直到該調查結束,後續聘用與否視乎調查結果而定。港台並要求利君雅在七日內作出決定,否則當自動離職論。是次調查事件中,利君雅受查時間過長;港台亦疑似以非常規、出於政治動機的程序,前所未見地懸置她的合約安排。本會深切關注此事。
自 19 年始,本會留意到各種針對利君雅種族、膚色的歧視言論及人身攻擊在網上平台出現;此外,現時針對利君雅工作的調查,亦疑似是基於故意誹謗她的虛假陳述。本會強烈譴責此等不實指控。這些指控及舉動,令利君雅成為抱有政治圖謀之徒的仇恨對象,一遂其威脅利君雅、使之噤聲的企圖。本會要求港台管理層盡好僱主責任,確保僱員免受任何不義而歹毒的攻擊;調查時必須排除任何基於假新聞的投訴。作為一個向公眾問責的公共廣播媒體,港台當對旗下記者持守平等待遇、不歧視的原則,此時更應挺身而出,協助利君雅向平等機會委員會投訴,追究針對她的種族騷擾及仇恨言論。
Hong Kong Unison expresses grave concerns over the dubious and lengthy investigation into Nabela Qoser
Based on the latest media reports, the management of Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) asked Assistant Program Officer Nabela Qoser to accept a new contract for 120 days on the grounds that the second investigation into complaints against her was not completed. Her employment status depends on the findings of the investigation. She was given 7 days to decide whether to accept the new terms of her contract. Should Ms.Qoser decide not to accept these new terms, her employment at RTHK will be automatically terminated. Hong Kong Unison is seriously concerned over the lengthy investigation Ms.Qoser has been subjected to, and the unprecedented manner in which her employment status hangs in the balance over what appears to be a politically motivated and irregular process.
RTHK’s first investigation into complaints against Ms.Qoser regarding her execution of duties found that "the complaint was unsubstantiated." However, last year, the investigation was reopened, raising much alarm given the dubious basis for such a course of action. This second investigation has been prolonged beyond its original schedule. As a result, Ms.Qoser’s current contract was abruptly suspended and she was asked to accept a new contractual arrangement which essentially extends her term of probation beyond the regular 3-year period for all civil servants.
It is grossly unfair that the repercussions of delays in the investigation by the RTHK management should be borne by the individual under investigation. It is most unusual for a person to be put on less favourable contractual terms pending the outcome of an investigation.. Unison urges the management of RTHK to complete its investigation promptly and impartially, based on Ms.Qoser’s journalistic qualities rather than political considerations. We ask that it preserves the spirit of the contract and handles the matter in strict accordance with the established civil servant performance appraisal system.
Since 2019 we have witnessed on online platforms a string of discriminatory remarks and personal attacks against Ms. Qoser based on her race and skin color. Moreover, it appears that the complaints underlying the present investigation into Ms. Qoser’s work are based on false statements made maliciously with the deliberate intent to slander her. Unison strongly condemns such false accusations levied to incite hatred towards Ms. Qoser as a target of politically motivated groups who seek to threaten or silence her through such actions. Unison urges the RTHK management to fulfill its responsibility as an employer and ensure that its employees are protected against such unwarranted and vicious attacks. Any complaints based on fake news should be excluded from the investigation. As a public broadcasting institution, RTHK is publicly accountable to uphold the highest standards of equal treatment and non-discrimination towards its journalists and to offer its full support to assist Ms. Qoser in filing a complaint with the Equal Opportunities Commission against those targetting her with hate speech and harassment on the basis of her race.
Ms. Qoser's dedication to her duties and her professionalism is widely recognized by the community. She is an exemplary model for local ethnic minorities. She is a shining example of a Hong Konger of ethnic minority background who has succeeded through hard work and is contributing to Hong Kong. All kinds of hatred and misrepresentation of Ms. Qoser have not only caused her harm and distress personally, but also contributed to exacerbating the unhealthy trend of discrimination against ethnic minorities.